General Provisions
All members of the campus community and guests are expected to abide by Indiana State Law and university policies regarding the possession, consumption, use, production or sale of alcohol. The state of Indiana defines the legal drinking age as 21 years of age or older. Individuals who are of legal drinking age may possess and consume alcohol within the provisions prescribed in the University Alcohol Use Guidelines. The University Alcohol Use Guidelines include provisions specific to the types of alcohol allowed on campus, approved locations and requirements for the consumption and distribution of alcohol, protocols for serving and consuming alcohol at university events, and policies for possession and consumption of alcohol within specific university housing units by those of legal age. Students who are of legal age are expected to familiarize themselves with the University Alcohol Use Guidelines for campus possession and consumption. Ignorance is no excuse for violating the University Alcohol Policy. Under no circumstances is it acceptable for an individual or group to violate Indiana State law, disrupt the educational mission of the university, or contribute to behaviors in violation of the student code of conduct.
Guiding Principles
The University Alcohol Policy is grounded in four guiding principles:
Indiana State Law: The laws governing possession, distribution, consumption, sale and promotion of alcohol of the state of Indiana are recognized and supported by the University of Evansville. The University recognizes its responsibility to provide appropriate education to its students regarding these laws.
Acceptable Behavior: Behavior that disrupts the educational mission of the university, disrupts the campus community, or endangers the health and safety of members of the campus or its visitors, will not be tolerated. Such behaviors will be dealt with according to the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook or other appropriate handbook such as the Faculty, Staff, or Administrative Manuals.
Alcohol Education: The University Alcohol Policy is built upon the core principle of education about the responsible possession and consumption of alcohol. This includes information relative to Indiana State Law and University policies specific to the areas of approved university activities, residence life, and Greek life.
The Responsible Good Neighbor Exemption: The Responsible Good Neighbor Exemption provides students the opportunity for university disciplinary action to be waived if medical or other emergency assistance for another has been sought. Additional information regarding this exemption is published in the Student Handbook and on the university website.
Students present in a residential facility where alcohol is present and the University’s Acceptable Use Guidelines are violated are subject to disciplinary action.
While the University cannot control off-campus situations, the University does not sanction student organization sponsored events held off-campus which include alcoholic beverages that are not served by a third party vendor. At no time can student activity funds be used for the purchase or promotion of alcoholic beverages at a student organization sponsored event. The institution does not prohibit events being held in facilities where alcohol is sold by the facility or business to those of legal age.
University-sponsored events which are held off-campus and involve the distribution and consumption of alcohol must employ a third party social event vendor. The third party social event vendor must provide customary limits of general liability for bodily injury or property damage, liquor liability, workers’ compensation coverage, and employer’s liability. Proof of such insurance shall be provided by a certificate of insurance to the director of administrative services. Additional information regarding the certificate of insurance requirements is available from the director of administrative services.
The laws of the State of Indiana regarding the purchase and possession of alcoholic beverages will be upheld on campus. These laws may be enforced by University staff or local or state authorities.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on 5/6/16
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1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722